Wednesday, February 1, 2012

One month down...

...eleven to go! I'm now 1/12th of the way through the book, and so far i'm loving it. Sure, some days it feels like a chore, but it's always so satisfying when done!

In case you're curious, so far i've used: pen, paper, Sharpies, a paper shredder, maple seeds, fridge magnets, bananas, cardboard, cookie cutters, bread, ice, a screwdriver, a hammer, tea leaves, a UAE bill, sponges, x-acto blades, hemp string, snow, shoes, boxes, reusable bags, a car, paper clips, post-its, water, clay, safety pins, Lego, newspaper, scotch tape, scrapbook adhesive, berries, leaves, sticks, electrical tape, a photocopier, lined paper, toys, felt, a glue gun, a city bus...........

Off to do today's assignment! Read all about it tomorrow :)

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