Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 313 :: Thursday November 8 :: Ottawa

Work just with matches, flames, or fire today (but be careful!)

Another busy day, doing some overtime at work before dinner with visiting family then off to ultimate on a way-too-full-of-thai-food stomach... this to say that there wasn't much time left to work with matches, flames, or fire. Soooo...

...instead i decided to work on the inner fire. Tonight was my second game of winter league, and our first was, well, not the best (to be fair, it was the first game of the season with a brand-new team – lots of miscommunications, and we're still getting to know each other). It's easy to get a bit down or start off in the wrong headspace when that happens, so instead i tried to focus on my personal matchups and game, without thinking about anything else – or letting it get to me. 

It wasn't perfect, but i think overall i'm on the right path. The next nine weeks will tell!

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